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Here's an interview with Brandon Quinn hosted by Vrak Tv.
Katia Prévost: So, hi Brandon!

Brandon Quinn: Hello, how are ya?

Katia: I'm pretty good. And you?

Brandon: Oh, not so bad. Thank you for having me.

Katia: Wow, thank you for being here. Thanks for the opportunity.

Brandon: No problem.

Katia: So, what brings you to Montreal?

Brandon: Well, uh, the third season of Big Wolf On Campus.

Katia: Oh yeah, really?

Brandon: Yup.

Katia: You haven't started shooting yet.

Brandon: No, we haven't started shooting yet. Hopefully in April.

Katia: So, how did you get the part for Big Wolf? I saw it was a very physical role.

Brandon: Yes, very much so.

Katia: Did you have to make a special type of audition?

Brandon: Well, not really...I...uh...I had a regular audition in L.A., and a couple weeks later, I had another one. And then a couple weeks later, I had another one. A couple weeks later, I had another one...

Katia: (laughs)

Brandon: It was a long process.

Katia: Long process, right.

Brandon: Yeah, it took about two months to, like, audition for the whole thing, but...yeah, and after the last one, they told me not to shave, which was kinda cool.

Katia: (laughs)

Brandon: ...but yeah, the last one, they said, "Alright! You got it! You're going up to Montreal!" and I'm like, "Montreal? Where the hell's that?"

Katia: Do you find some similarities between Tommy and you?

Brandon: Yeah, definitely.

Katia: Yeah?

Brandon: Definitely.

Katia: Like what?

Brandon: Yeah, he's just...I'm a...I'm kind of a lighthearted guy.

Katia: Okay. (laughs)

Brandon: Unless I need to, I don't really take situations too seriously.

Katia: Tommy is a lot goofy.

Brandon: Yeah, he's kinda neurotic in a way. I'm not so much neurotic as a person, but, you know, I do, you know, put a lot of my goofy tendencies into my character, which makes it easy.

Katia: And did you make friends among cast members?

Brandon: I did.

Katia: For example, a lot of people want to know if Danny Smith and you are real buddies and stuff.

Brandon: Danny is...a really cool guy. He's a hilarious guy. He's probably one of the funniest guys I know. (looks directly at camera) As you guys all know. No, he's an awesome guy. I love hanging out with him.

Katia: So you have a lot of fun on the set?

Brandon: If not for him, it'd be a lot tougher. Yeah, he's an awesome guy to work with.

Katia: And, any girlfriend?

Brandon: Yes, I have a wonderful girlfriend. Yup, yup, she's actually from Montreal.

Katia: Oh, yeah?

Brandon: She's a Canadian.

Katia: So what do you think about Montreal?

Brandon: Go Canada!

Katia: What do you think about the place?

Brandon: Montreal?

Katia: Mmm-hmm.

Brandon: It's amazing. I love it. It's a little cold.

Katia: Yeah.

Brandon: But besides that, it's a great place. The city's beautiful.

Katia: And what do you think about the girls here?

Brandon: The girls are very good looking. They're amazing.

Katia: So, what do you think about Buffy?

Brandon: Buffy...

Katia: The Vampire Slayer.

Brandon: Sassy!

Katia: Britney Spears?

Brandon: Sexy!

Katia: Oh yeah?

Brandon: Yes!

Katia: Eminem?

Brandon: Confused.

Katia: Tommy Dawkins?

Brandon: Oh, boy... Confused!

Katia: (laughs) And Stacey Hanson?

Brandon: Stacey Hanson...that's a name from the past. word... (emotes) Beautiful!

Katia: Oh, that's so sweet. And VRAK TV?

Brandon: The most amazing...I can't do this in one word. The most amazing station ever!

Katia: Well, thank you very much!

Brandon: You're very welcome. Thank you for having me.

Katia: Thank you very much.

Brandon: Likewise. I'll talk to you guys soon.

Katia: Sure.

Brandon: Rock on!